Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Military, defense and equipment Transport plane

§Anti-submarine missile§Anti-tank missile§Anti Radar Missile/Anti Radiation Missile§Anti satellite missile§Anti-aircraft missile§Glide bomb§Intercontinental ballistic missile§Short-range missile§Air-to-Surface Missile§Air-to-Air Missile§Cruise missile§Medium range missile§Gun-launched missiles§Anti-ship missile§Long-range ballistic missile***Military intelligence***Military journal*Steam frigate*Historical aircraft carriers*Historical cruisers*Historical military aircraft*Historical tanks*Historical battleships*Historical trainer aircraft*Historical sea reconnaissance aircraft*Historical Destroyers*Wars and battles*Ship of the line*Military academy*Strategy|EventsAmphibious command shipAmphibious Transport DockAmphibious aircraftNuclear submarineNuclear WeaponBallistic Missile Defense SystemFamous aerobatic teamEMALS|AAGDirected-energy weaponFirearmAircraft propulsionAircraft carrierFrigate/CorvetteSpeed of the shipGlass CockpitHospital shipIdentification Friend or Foe,IFFInfrared targeting systemIT troopCombat helicopterCombat systemCavalryCruiserLittoral Combat ShipLogistic transportAerial refuelingHovercraft DropshipMan Portable Air Defense SystemMilitary vehicleMilitary aircraftMilitary maneuvers and military competitionAmmunitionNight combat equipmentNavigation Satellite SystemTankRadarRocket launcherShip propulsionShip artilleryMaritime Reconnaissance AircraftSea mineSelf-propelled artillerySonarSporting weaponsStrategic bomberTacticsDecoy systemTorpedoTransport planeSubmarine Unmanned aircraftOffshore supply vesselVertical Launching SystemWater bombDestroyer
 A400M又称为FLA(Future Large Aircraft),是空中客车军事公司(AMC)正在为8个欧洲国家(比利时、法国、德国、意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙、土耳其和英国)空军研制的远程战术 运输机,用于在21世纪取代的日益老化的C-130和C-160运输机。
   空中客车军事公司于1995年6月14日宣布成立,是空中客车工业公司各成员公司共同投资成立的一个共担风险的公司,它取代了1991年6月17日成立的 欧洲未来大型飞机集团,其业务是为欧洲各国空军开发和生产下一代军用运输机。早在20世纪80年代初,欧洲军方和航空工业界就开始研究用何种飞机替代已经 陈旧的C-160(装备法国、德国和土耳其空军)和C-130(装备英国、法国、意大利、比利时和土耳其空军)战术运输机的问题。经过多年对各空军提出的 要求的研究,1991年6月17日欧洲5大飞机制造公司,即法国宇航公司、英国宇航公司、德国空中客车公司、意大利阿莱尼亚公司及西班牙航空制造公司联合 成立了共担风险的欧洲未来大型飞机集团,负责开发、生产和销售一种运输能力和性能均高于C-130的装4台涡轮风扇发动机(后改为涡轮螺桨发动机)的大型 运输机,称之为未来大型飞机(FLA)。
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安-225“梦幻”是目 前世界上最大的运输机,它不仅占据体积最大的运输机的世界记录,载重量也是最大的。该机由苏联安东诺夫设计局研制,1985年中期开始设计,1988年 12月21日原型机首次飞行,1989年5月13日首次作了背带“暴风雪”号航天飞机的飞行。至今该机只生产了1架。

   安-225与“暴风雪”号航天飞机关系密切,实际上其研制的初衷之一就是作为“暴风雪”航天飞机的运输转移平台。安-225在原载重量世界记录保持者 ——安-124的基础发展而来,因此很多地方和安-124相似。安-225的总重和载重能力都比124增加了50%,机身加长,客舱的基本横截面和机头舱 门未变。机体较大的变化为垂直尾翼由单垂尾改



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波音C-17 全球霸王III
C-17“全球霸王III”英文C-17 Globemaster III)是美国麦道公司生产的戰略军用运输机,除了美国空军装备了C-17外,英国澳大利亚加拿大卡塔尔阿拉伯联合酋长国北约重型空运联队。


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川崎 C-2
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Catalog *French Air Force Catalog *Italian Air Force Catalog *Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces Catalog *Air Force of China Republic of China Air Force (Taiwan) Catalog *Royal Air Force Catalog *Royal Canadian Air Force Catalog *United States Air Force Catalog Afghan Air Force Catalog Egyptian Air Force Catalog Algerian Air Force Catalog Bangladesh Army Catalog Belgian Air Force Catalog Bolivian Air Force Catalog Botswana Defence Force Air Wing Catalog Brazilian Air Force Catalog Cameroon Air Force Catalog Chadian Air Force Catalog Eritrean Air Force Catalog Ethiopian Air Force Catalog Fuerza Aérea Argentina Catalog Fuerza Aérea Colombiana Catalog Fuerza Aérea Colombiana Catalog Fuerza Aérea del Perú Catalog Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana Catalog Fuerza Aérea Hondureña Catalog Fuerza Aérea Mexicana Catalog Gabonese Air Force Catalog Griechische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Indische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Indonesische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Irakische Luftwaffe Catalog Israelische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Jemenitische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Catalog Königlich Marokkanische Luftwaffe Catalog Königlich Neuseeländische Marine Catalog Königlich Omanische Luftwaffe Catalog Catalog Koninklijke Luchtmacht Catalog Kuwaitische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Liberian Air Force Catalog Libyan Air Force Catalog Luftwaffe der Islamischen Republik Iran Catalog Malaysische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Military, defense and equipment Transport plane Catalog Militärflugzeuge C-130 Hercules Catalog National Air Force of Angola Catalog Nigerianische Luftwaffe Catalog Norwegische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Austrian Air Force Catalog Pakistan Air Force Catalog Philippinische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Polnische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Portugiesische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Republic of Korea Air Force Catalog Republic of Singapore Air Force Catalog Royal Australian Air Force Catalog Royal Jordanian Air Force Catalog Royal Saudi Air Force Catalog Rumänische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Schwedische Luftstreitkräfte Catalog Spanish Air Force Catalog Sri Lanka Air Force Catalog South African Air Force Catalog Sudanese Air Force Catalog Tunisian Air Force Catalog Turkish Air Force Catalog Hungarian Air Force Catalog Hungarian Air Force Catalog United Arab Emirates Air Force Catalog United States Marine Corps Catalog Venezuelan Air Force Catalog Zambian Air Force
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洛克希德 C-5 银河
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